The Amazing World of Gumball Fanon Wiki

a ship from elmore goes missing overnight ! the next morning the wattersons are at home , watching a news broadcast of the disappearence , then the reporter reveals that some1 brought in a recording of the event and on it is something big , REALLY big ! the recording is played and we hear waves crashing all around and before the recording ends , we hear a roar ! the wattersons think they're hearing things and decide to go out and have some fun ! they head to the beach where anais builds a sandcastle and gumball and darwin play with the beach ball ! all is fine , then the unexpected happens ! the water begins to rise up , and once it falls , we see godzilla , in all his reptillian glory ! then , darwin throws the beach ball at godzillas leg repeatedly , this only serves to anger the beast , who kicks him into the top floor of a building ! the other wattersons flee the area and gumball suggest they find hector and ask for his help ! they do so , and hector accepts , wanting to get out of his cave ! he goes to confront godzilla , and is beaten by him in a short battle , then he is beaten up , mutilated , gutted , ripped apart , torn apart by godzillas jaws , then blown up by godzilla's heat ray ! then the wattersons decide to face godzilla themselves , but anais protests , reminding them of how big he is , then gumball says that they must fight big with big ! they build gumballbot , a giant robotic version of gumball , then launch him into battle , but the robot is beaten within minutes , then it's dismantled , and blown up by godzilla's atomic breath ! then the wattersons decide to use the paintball guns from " the fridge " and this only serves to anger the beast ! then nicole suggests they use REAL weapons ! they get some rifles and shotguns , then head back into battle , of course the guns have no effect on godzilla , who then destroys a building in which penny was in ! gumball , worried about penny , rushes over to see if she's ok , she's injured and bruised ! the rest of the wattersons go over to them , and they're all vaporized by godzillas heat ray , then godzilla proceeds to destroy the rest of the city ! once the entire city is destroyed , godzilla returns to the sea ! then we see the damage godzilla has caused ! every1 is dead , the entire city is in ruins , there are no survivors !
